Hi All,

I have the following items available for sale:

1 14" iBook G4 1.42 Ghz. This machine works, but has an overheating
issue. If kept cool by a cooling pad or something similar to that it
runs great! The machine has BT and Airport Extreme cards, otherwise
stock but full list available on request. I have the install discs for
this machine as well. Asking $300 shipped OBO

1 14" iBook G4 1Ghz (I believe). This machine is in rough shape, you
would probably consider it for parts. Major scratches on the exterior,
bad hard drive, optical drive works, I believe it has a SuperDrive,
but I could be wrong on that. It does boot successfully from a CD or
an extrenal drive so I can get a full spec list for it for anyone
interested. Also has Airport Extreme Card. Asking $125 shipped OBO

1 12" PB G4 12" 867Mhz. This machine is what I would call "well worn"
the machine works great, but has evidence of use. Some scratches and
case issues but nothing more than cosmetic as far as they go. Machine
runs great, battery lasts about an hour. Small issue with the charge
plug where it is somewhat picky on positions where it will work, but
nothing too terrible. One thing to note, the optical drive doesn't
work. 1GB Ram, 80GB HD, BlueTooth and AirPort Extreme Included. $200
shipped, OBO.

1 iPod 30GB - Works great, black color with some surface scratches but
nothing more than normal wear and tear, battery holds a descent
charge, but I havent tested how long it holds for certain. Used mostly
in my audio dock in my office. Asking $100 shipped OBO

All items are open to offers, PayPal is preferred payment method. Only
US buyers please!

Contact me with any questions and for pictures.


Derek Lester
Desloge, MO 63601

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