I have a Apple //c, rom version 3, and a (big) color display.

There's some documentation, too, including the //c owner's manual,
"Applesoft BASIC Programmer's Reference Manual" and "Claris Appleworks

I also have a (small) pile of software with it, mostly games. A few
action, mostly RPG. "The dark heart of Uukrul," "Tales of the Unknown:
The Bard's Tale" and "Adventure Creator" are all complete-in-box, and
there are many loose floppies with other programs, and a few seemingly-
new Sony floppies. Uukrul is running in one of the pictures below.

Also comes with an exceedingly rare CH Products joystick. It works. I
used it to play "The Movie Monster Game"

Everything is in "passable" shape. I've tested many (but not all, so
no guarantees) of the disks and they've all worked fine. The books are
a bit beat up, the //c itself is a bit yellow and has some stickers on
the bottom. It doesn't seem to have been in a smoking house, but it
certainly seems like it's been in a closet for a long time. I don't
have any history on this set.

Pictures! (more available on request)

Considering the good rom, the software, and the joystick, I'd really
like to get $100 (plus shipping) for the lot. However, I am willing to
entertain offers, and, for the right offer, I will break it up. Also,
if you want everything Except the monitor, that's fine, it will likely
save you a bundle on shipping.

Chris Duffy
Lake Helen, FL 32744

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