My wife has mandated a basement clean-up -  just because she couldn't find the 
dog!  I said "the last time I saw her, she was sleeping behind those eMacs"...I 
guess maybe she has a point.  So, I have a two of these - in identical spec: 1 
GHz, 60 GB HD, CD-ROM (only), 512 MB.  I think eMacs transitioned over to DDR 
RAM mid-model with the 1 GHZ machines, but these have PC 133 168-pin SDRAM.  
These eMacs will run Leopard from a firewire install in target disk mode (due 
a lack of a DVD drive). They work great - with no issues that I have 
encountered.  Screens are bright and clear, with no trace of screen burn.

eMac as described $50
eMac with tilt swivel/stand - $60
Add a Apple Pro keyboard (black keys) and a Dell optical mouse for $15
Make it 1GB of RAM (actually involves taking out 2 256's and putting in 2 
+ $15

Local pickup in the metro Detroit area preferred, but I have one big box and I 
will ship one of these.  Figure about $30 if you are in or close to Michigan, 
and it gets expensive quickly if you are further away - figure about $40 if you 
are in, let's say, NC - a little less than $50 if in TX, and (you wouldn't want 
me to ship it to you) if you are in CA.   

Don Salata
Canton MI 48187


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