Realizing I'm unlikely to have the time to ever play this again, I'm
offering for sale:

Marathon Trilogy Box Set (Marathon, Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity)

Box, booklets, 3 stickers, everything as it shipped from Bungie.
Marathon scrapbook, registration cards, etc.

"The seminal FPS series for the Mac gets its own deluxe package: a
black case with two CDs inside. The first one includes all three
Marathon games (Marathon, Marathon 2: Durandal and Marathon Infinity),
two editors (Pforge and Anvil, for maps and shapes/sounds/physics,
respectively), the full version of Pathways Into Darkness, the Abuse
demo and a slide show preview of Myth: The Fallen Lords. The second CD
is a collection of user-made maps, films and utilities, plus all
thirteen issues of Marathon Magazine."

Flashback to 1997!
For system requirements, photos, any other info, email me.

Couldn't find a good price comparison online. 1 seller on eBay has the
CD only (no packaging) for $100.
Discs only on Amazon as well.

Asking $50 + shipping of your choice.
I will swap for a DVI-ADC adapter (to use an ADC cinema display with a
DVI output).

Dave Garton
Alburtis, PA 18011

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