Hi all,

I'm ready to part with a G4 tower that has been used infrequently in
the last year. This is a Quicksilver PowerMac originally with a 733
processor released in 2001.

This system currently runs with the following specs:
125GB Hard drive IDE
10.4 is installed, install disk is unavailable
OWC Mercury Extreme g...@1.467 2MB L3 Cache.
1.25 GB of RAM
ATI Technologies RADEON 9200 PCI 128MB Accelerated 2D/3D MacEdition
Video Card

The Mac boots and runs fine but seems to become unstable if left on
for long periods of time. I believe the problem is either the video
card, or power supply. I purchased a 3rd party PCI wireless adapter,
but this is no longer working, so this is ethernet only at this point.
Case is in good condition, the mouse and keyboard are functional but
with the clear accessories are showing their age.

I'll sell this for $250 obo + shipping from 02871. If there are no
offers on the full package, I'll sell the OWC processor for $140 obo.

Take care,

Albert Huck
Portsmouth, RI 02871

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