RAM Lot (will not separate):

9 sticks of 72pin RAM, unknown sizes, unknown working condition
20+ Bag of SD-RAM 32-64MB size (might be a 128MB in there). All were
tested in a G4 as working or pulled from a working computer.
2 sticks HP Server RAM 512MB (huge and untested)

iMac G3 Tray Loading Parts:

I have a complete logic board and CPU from a Bondie Blue Revision A
with working optical drive and bezel.

I also have a complete logic board and CPU (266mhz i believe) from a
Tangerine Revision C with non-functional optical drive and bezel.

Both were working when pulled from units with a Bad CRT. PRAM
Batteries and Hard drives have been removed but the mounting equipment
is all there.


Powerbook 1400c/117 16MB RAM (might be 133, can't remember) with an
oddity to its LCD. It looks normal but the left 3rd of the LCD seems
to bold itself (ie fonts look bold on that part of the LCD). Also
includes a 1400cs LCD top case complete LCD but the back light is dim.
No drives or battery

Powerbook 520 bottom case with CPU, RAM (8MB?), and french keyboard.
Worked fine before being disassembled for the LCD. The hinges are
loose...no hard drive.

Powerbook 160. Boots to ? but LCD is hard to read. Not sure. No RAM
expansion card and no hard drive.

Powerbook Duo 230 12MB RAM boots fine. Missing the trackball and

Powerbook Pismo:

I have attempted to get life out of this powerbook without any luck.
There is No heatsink inside as the last owner did not know how to
properly take it apart to remove the hard drive. They took wire
cutters or something to the heatsink connector and severed it to
remove the CPU to get the hard drive out. The heatsink remains are not
included as I threw them out.

There is no battery, no optical drive, no keyboard, no heat sink, no
CPU cover, no hard drive, or hard drive bay. Only the basic laptop
itself, CPU (400mhz) and an unknown stick of RAM in the lower slot.

The LCD looks okay and some of the case is fine including the infrared

All are Free for Shipping.  Please, Paypal only!

Ryan McIntyre
Victoria, British Columbia
V8V 3M8
eBay ID: Strimkind 130 Feedback at 100%

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