Clearing out the "workshop." I have two nearly identical iMac DV400
systems available for free with local pickup in 08033 (Philly/
Haddonfield, NJ).

Both have 20 gig hard drives and DVD read-only drives. Both have been
firmware-updated and are running 10.3.9 happily. Original keyboards
and hockey puck mice included.

One of them has 384 MB of ram and is running perfectly. The other has
a problem with the logic board, so the firewire connections do not
work. I have a replacement logic board but I just don't feel like
cracking the case again. The replacement board is included. This
computer also has a disc stuck in the drive and will not boot,
although it too was running perfectly (except for the firewire issue)
before. I think the DVD drive is slightly out of alignment with the
case, so this one will definitely have to be cracked to remedy these

Free for local pickup in Haddonfield, NJ 08033. I will not ship these.
I also have a plethora of little doodads and thingamajigs from that
era of computing that you are welcome to root through and take
whatever strikes your fancy.

Dave Schwartz

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