Up for sale is my mint condition 24" x 36" Think Different poster set,
the most prized possession of my entire collection!  As a seasoned
collector, I'm very well aware of all the fake reproductions floating
around the Internet, particularly eBay.  May I offer you a little
background on how I acquired my set.

Back in 1998 an Apple employee from Cupertino, CA by the name of
Michael Garrison posted all 14 posters listed below for auction on
eBay, which I won.  The address below contains a picture of the
original mailing tubes as they were sent to me, with his return
address written on both.  The postage stamp (not shown) reads 1998 as
well.  All 14 posters remained in these tubes over the past 12 years
and were never hung on a wall or exposed to sunlight.  They are in
mint condition as evidenced by the individual photos of each poster.
These larger size posters, as opposed to the smaller educator set,
were sold from the Apple store in Cupertino in a rolled up fashion.
They were only sold from this single store on the Apple campus and I
recall doing a background check on Michael Garrison to verify he truly
was an Apple employee at the time, which he was.  I am absolutely
confident these are authentic, original posters directly from Apple.

The following address will take you to the Public folder of my iDisk.
Click on the Think Different Posters folder to download pictures of
all 14 posters and the mailing tubes.


In order to offer a fair and reasonable price, I didn't turn to eBay
since even today there are still a multitude of fake posters that skew
the prices of the authentic ones.  The Missing Bite is an online store
that sells all types of Apple memorabilia, including most of the Think
Different posters.  The list below gives the retail price of each
poster from their website (first price) along with my asking price for
each poster (second price).  I feel this is a fair valuation and
offers a competitive edge over the prices from The Missing Bite.  As
you can see in the grand total row, there is a difference of $1350
between the two for all 14 posters.

Bob Dylan, $700, $600
Jim Henson, $500, $400
Maria Callas, $300, $200
Pablo Picasso, $400, $300
Martha Graham, $300, $200
Thomas Edison, $300, $200
Miles Davis, $500, $400
Ted Turner, $150, $100
Alfred Hitchcock, $400, $300
Albert Einstein, $700, $600
Gandhi, $400, $300
Ansel Adams, $400, $300
Lucy and Desi, $400, $300
Joan Baez, $400, $300

Grand Total, $5850, $4500

As every good collector feels deep down inside, I really would hate to
break up this complete set.  So as an added incentive to keep the set
intact, I am willing to sell all 14 posters for $4000 to a single
buyer.  If, over time, I can not find a single buyer, I will consider
the option of selling individually.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks for looking!

Matthew Janeczek
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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