Large lot of ancient Mac-related equipment and books/manuals.
Priced individually, email me for a quote for combined shipping.

All prices are shipped. All items are as-is/untested.
Offer only good until Feb 7. After that, trash/recycle.
Payment via PayPal or US Postal Money Order only.
Ebay ID: bpletch1 (392 Positive Feedback)
Bill Pletcher
Shipping from 19601 Reading, PA


$5      Drive sled/plastic 815-0446
$5      Drive sled/plastic 815-1122 (2 available)
$10     Global VIllage TelePort Gold II PL510P Modem with User Guide (I
believe it to be 14.4K)
$15     Grape Keyboard & Puck Mouse (M2452 & M4848)
$10     Norton Utilities 3.2 on floppy - includes original box, manual and
floppies (Install Me First, Emergency Disk, Disk #2, Disk Editor
Startup Disk, Speed Disk Startup Disk) and my original receipt from
Staples for $99.99!!!!!!
$10     Apple AAUI/Ethernet Transceiver (M0437)
$20     AppleDesign Keyboard (M2980) and ADB Mouse II (M2706) - good
$15     AppleDesign Keyboard (M2980) - pen marks on it, missing right side
riser leg
$20     Original Airport Card (630-2883) (3 available)


$10     Using HTML4 (with CD)
$10     Mac OS9 The Complete Reference
$10     Quicken 2000 The Official Guide
$10     MacWorld Mac Secrets 5th Edition (with CD)
$10     Mac Answers Second Edition
$10     Master Photoshop 5.5 Visually (with CD)
$10     AppleWorks 6 for Dummies
$10     Mac Screamer The Ultimate Macintosh Supercharging Kit (with

And from my days as an Apple Demo Day/Power Rep/Apple Detailing Rep:

$5      EACH for In-Store Demo CD (runs a demo program to show off the
        iBook Fall 1999 - opened
        iBook Holiday 1999 V.2 - opened
        iBook Spring 2000 - 1 opened, 1 sealed
        Power Mac G4 July 2000 - opened

$10     Apple Logo pamphlet/brochure holder - frosted plastic (2 available)

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