This is a classic Apple Powerbook. The 12" screen makes this nearly as
small and light as a current netbook.
And everything, including the CD/DVD Superdrive works perfectly. The
RAM has been maxed out, and I include an extra battery.
Case bottom has some minor scratches, and the screen has several
nearly unnoticeable marks, but overall it looks great.
Packaged in the original box, with original install disks, it looks
nearly new.

Apple 12" Powerbook G4 M9690LL/A    A1104    1.5ghz G4 CPU    1.25 gb
memory    80 gb hard drive

Includes:    original OSX 10.4.2 install disks     extra battery   AC
adapter   AC cord

Price: $350 or best offer plus shipping
Paypal prefered

Bob Weibel
Lititz, PA 17543

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