I have an Apple Cube model m7886:
500mHZ G4
Stock video card - Rage 128 Pro 16MB
DVD ROM - can be kind of "draggy" on some discs so you may have to grab the
disc and pull it out while ejecting
Power supply included
Tiger 10.4 Install DVD
Has 1 bad USB port - broken plastic support in the port with bent pins
Some scuffing here and there, with 1 crack in the plastic at one of the
support posts on top... the crack is merely cosmetic and not structural
No keyboard or mouse

This thing has worked great for me over the years, and I used it as a server
for a while, but it has been collecting dust for some time now and I could
use some money for a Nintendo 3DS

Would like to get $100 for it if possible, and you would pay actual shipping
charges on top of that.  I will ship UPS or FedEx to the 48 states, so
calculate the cost from the zip code below.  The weight would be roughly

Options (will add to shipping weight):
120GB Seagate 7200RPM hard drive - $25
Airport Card - $10
Toshiba Multimedia USB Hub - has 4 USB ports, with audio inputs and outputs
so that you could use speakers with the Cube - $10

If I do not get any offers for the prices I listed, I would be willing to
negotiate a little on some of this.

For Payment, I would be willing to take Paypal or Gift Cards from any place
I can buy a Nintendo 3DS (i.e. Best Buy, Target, Gamestop, WalMart, etc...)
but you would need to discuss that with me.  I *might* be willing to trade
it for something I thought I could easily sell for roughly the amount I am
looking to get or for miniatures or board game paraphernalia from the game
Blood Bowl.

Todd Russell
Covington, LA 70435
you can call me through the Google Voice widget on my site's contact page if
you need to, 4:30 pm to 12:00 am CST


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