What it says on the tin.

I'm not wealthy, and I would like to pay as little over S&H as
possible, but I am reasonable. I will pay more for daughtercards
equipped with more RAM. Same goes for VRAM modules, which, as I
understand, are supported up to 8MB (for a total of 10 in addition to
the onboard VRAM)
If you can provide me with more bang, I'll be willing to part with
more buck

The PMC card is sort of an extra. I don't really need one, but if
someone has one that is particularly interesting, i'll probably want
to buy it.

I'm located in the 91307 ZIP code, and i'm looking to pay $20-40
including shipping, but am open to higher cost options, like, perhaps,
a Sonnet Harmoni with Firewire
(if you doubt i'd be interested, drop me a line anyway. I don't really
know what's available, beyond that someone on here had a daughtercard
with ~168MB for $10 about three years ago)

Nota Bene: these parts will be for a Rev A iMac. If you have parts
that won't work in one, I won't want them.


Patrick Fitzmorris
West Hills, CA 91307 (San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County)

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