Hi again,

Forgot to add shipping $15 CONUS.


Matt Roland
Indianapolis, IN 46202

On May 9, 4:58 pm, fanatamac <mdrol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi swappers,
> It's time to say farewell to an old friend.  This powerbook has a ding
> on the top, one on the palmrest, a slight bend in the lower case
> aluminum on the left side, and one major "ding" to the front right
> corner. There a few screws missing (from the memory door and from the
> lower part of the screen).  Also, the aluminum strip that has the word
> Powerbook has "come up" a little from the screen.  The latch sometimes
> catches automatically, some times it takes a little nudge.  Finally,
> there's normal scratching on the bottom, and one shallow but
> noticeable one on the top.
> So this machine has definitely got some battle scars - "it ain't
> pretty no more." And, of course, since it's a G4 it still works
> wonderfully. Screen is great to my eyes, no dead pixels or white
> spots. Has the superdrive which burned a disk last week. I just don't
> have the guts to buy a new bottom case and clean it up.
> 160 GB hard drive (a western digital 5400rpm that's about 2.5 years
> old).
> 512 Ram
> Airport extreme and bluetooth
> Power adapter (a replacement bought on ebay)
> Original box and styrofoam inserts
> Two batteries that last about 20 minutes apiece
> Seeking 175 or best offer.
> Thanks!
> Matt Roland
> Indianapolis, IN 46202

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