For sale are the following iMacs:

iMac G3 Bondi Blue 233MHz.  This machine has 96Mb RAM, 4Gb HDD, CD-rom
with a fresh install of OS9.2.2 (Install CD included).  This machine
runs flawlessly.  It is cosmetically clean.   $ 75.00 postpaid CONUS

iMac G3 Strawberry 333MHz.  This machine has 512Mb RAM, 6Gb HDD, CD-
rom with a fresh install of OS9.2.2 (Install CD included).  This
machine runs flawlessly.  It is cosmetically clean.   $ 75.00 postpaid

iMac G3 Lime 333MHz..  This machine has 128Mb RAM, 6Gb HDD, CD-rom
with a fresh install of OS9.2.2 (Install CD included).  This machine
runs flawlessly.  It is cosmetically clean.   $ 75.00 postpaid CONUS

iMac G3 Blueberry 350MHz.  This machine has 384Mb RAM, 80Gb HDD, CD-
rom with a fresh install of OS9.2.2 Classic (Install CD included).
This machine runs flawlessly.  It is cosmetically clean.  $ 75.00
postpaid CONUS

iMac G3 Blueberry 350MHz.  This machine has 256Mb RAM, 10Gb HDD, CD-
rom with a fresh install of OS9.2.2 Classic (Install CD included).
This machine runs flawlessly.  It is cosmetically clean.   $ 75.00
postpaid CONUS

iMac G3 Indigo 350MHz.  This machine has 256Mb RAM, 13Gb HDD, CD-rom
with a fresh install of OS9.2.2 Classic (Install CD included).  This
machine runs flawlessly.  It is cosmetically clean.   $ 75.00 postpaid

iMac G3 Snow. 600MHz  This machine has 320Mb RAM, 40Gb HDD, CD-RW with
a fresh install of OS9.2.2 Classic (Install CD included).  This
machine runs flawlessly.  Cosmetically it has two issues: 1. The front
speaker covers are missing and 2.  One anchor for the swing out front
height adjustment bar is broken.  This is the last of the G3 iMacs
(Summer 2001).   $ 75.00 postpaid CONUS

PayPal accepted.

Barry Schiff
Cranston, RI 02920

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