1 Apple iPod universal dock with inserts. DOES NOT include any iPhone or
touch inserts.  $12.00 plus 3 for shipping.

1 Belkin 6port Firewire 400 powered hub with AC adapter.  $12.00 plus $3.00
for shipping

1 Apricorn ez upgrade 2.5² USB PATA external case.  $10 shipped

1 Targus CoolPad model 430-0538-001A  Laptop swivel stand   $10.00 shipped

1  Dynex Express card 34 Firewire 800/400 adapter card. Card only no cables.
$15.00 shipped


Parallels desktop 5 for Mac  includes disk Serial number and manual   $15
shipped no manual $10.00 shipped

Roxio Toast 5 disk and Serial number  $8.00 shipped

All items are shipped from:
West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Paypal is preferred.

All prices are ³or best offer²
All shipping is to the US only

Please any questions email off list.

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