This is for people in the SF Bay Area:

I have a TON of computer stuff to sell.  2 Mac Pro Towers, 1 Macbook Pro
Laptop, 1 20" iMac, One PC, 2 22" Apple Cinema Displays, 2 G4 cubes,
switches, cables, hubs, RAM, you name it, I probably have it.

I also have a top of the line Peachtree audio Sound system for a computer
that sounds so nice I would give my left leg for it, but it's HIGH HIGH HIGH
end gear and I can't afford it.

Basically a tech friend of mine passed away and I was put in charge of
liquidating his stuff.  I need to make money for the estate, but I have
leeway in pricing.  What I am going to do is go to eBay and find the
cheapest auction for said item (without 16gb RAM in it) and sell it at lower
than that price to friends.  You guys and gals get first shot.

This is going to be a first come first serve thing.  Cash is king.

This stuff is nicer than my own.  I want that computer sound system so
badÅ .argh.


"If you think education is expensive, check out ignorance!"

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