Apple Powerbook G4 (aluminum) 15" 1.67 gHz, model A1106, 1 gig ram, Bluetooth, Airport Extreme card. It has a dim spot on the upper left of the screen, did have a bit of occasional screen flutter that could have been the bad ram chip that was replaced, or could be a sign of incipient video card failure, no hard drive, 10-15 minute battery, and a bad/non-functioning DC-in connector on the DC-Sound board (though the sound side works fine, and the machine ran fine off battery power alone), and needs this part for replacement:

FixIt's prices are a bit on the high side, there are usually a few on eBay and other places, you need part number 922-6707. (which is specific to the AlBook 15" 1.5/1.67, as it turns out, and can NOT use the same board in an AlBook 15" 1.67 hi-rez, model A1138, don't ask how I know this!)

It has been partially disassembled to remove the hard drive, all parts tagged and bagged up for e-z reassembly after installing a new hard drive (relatively easy, that is!); bags are tagged to this repair guide:

Great for a parts machine, can be restored to full functioning with a hard drive and dc-sound card replacement. Can include a new, generic (non-Apple) ac adapter if desired.

PayPal only, please.

John McKay
Alpharetta, GA 30005

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