
I have two of these for sale. They are working pulls from a large Dell server that was being parted out. The guy would only sell them in lots of 4 or more; I
only need two.

Brief specs:  18GB, 10,000 rpm, 1MB onboard cache, 80 pin SCSI-2.

Adapters are available on that internet auction site to convert them to 68 or 50 pin SCSI for a few bucks. I have one in my IIsi, another in a 7300. The only oddity about the drives is that there is no way to terminate them. So something else must terminate the SCSI bus. I've done this with a terminating plug, external HD or zip with termination, and even a Asante EN/SC
box. All work equally well.

$20 shipped CONUS for one, $35 shipped CONUS for both.

Tom Long
Piedmont, CA 94611

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