I have accumulated a stack of Titanium PowerBook G4s.

I only recently retired the youngest of the bunch - a 1ghz model with 
Airport, 60Gb HD, SuperDrive and 1gb of RAM.  The spot where the left hinge 
connects to the display has broken, but the hinges themselves are good.

There is another 1Ghz model with 512MB of RAM - otherwise same specs - that 
won't light the LCD - probably the inverter cable is kinked or shorted.  It 
does POST and push video to an external monitor.

There is also a 867Mhz that has been disassembled, most of the parts are 
there, including the display assembly.  I think I was going to try to swap 
the display but just got distracted from it.

There is also 2 units that are either an Onyx or Mercury unit that have been 
disassembled.  Not sure which they are.  Airport cards are in them.

And there is also a PowerBook G4 Aluminum bottom case and board for a 1.5Gz 
model.  I don't know anything about it, not even where I got it!

The 2 1ghz models are both working and have decent cases, except for the 
fact that 1 of them will need to have the display serviced.

The rest are parts machines, but I think they all have good logic boards.  

Optical drives are there too.

So I'm not too sure what all this is worth, really.  I have had to shed a 
tear over retiring my trusty TiBook - I bought it new in 2002 and except for 
the hinge issue it has given me years of reliable service.

I took some pictures and published them to my flkr account so you can check 
them out.


I was thinking $200 plus shipping or local pickup in the Tampa Bay area. 
 I'm open to offers - or if there is a specific something or another you 
need from the parts units.  I don't want to break up the 2 working ones.

Jason Trunzo
Saint Petersburg, FL  33713

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