All items guaranteed. Shipping will be added.

Reconditioned iBook G3/G4 12" battery (Reads 3-hour when fully charged) $33
Reconditioned iBook G3/G4 12" battery (Reads 4.5 to 5-hour when fully charged)  

Apple A1105 Mac Mini 85W Power Adapter  $29
NEW LaCie drive power supply    Jentec  model JTA0202Y
or  LaCie ACU034A-0512      $17

NEW Charger for Battery outside MacBook/Pro (independent of laptop)     $55
Allows you to continue using a Mac (any Mac laptop) even if it does not charge 
its own battery.

NEW white MickeyMouse 3-prong AC Power Cable    $3
NEW white/black "figure 8" 2-prong AC Power Cable       $2
NEW Apple AC long extension cord for Adapter/Charger (duck-head style)  $7

Clock battery Lithium 3V coin style CR2032 for iMac G5 & similar        $2
Watch battery: choice of  377 / 392 / 395 / L44 $2

Mo Hammad
San Diego, CA 92117

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