Here are a few items I am selling now:

Adobe Photoshop CS2 Software for Mac
This is an upgrade disc that comes with an Adobe Photoshop 6 disc as
well. I just upgraded to an Intel machine with Lion, will not work.
Discs with serial numbers and cases only, no documentation.

Macromedia Flash 8 Professional Software for Mac
This is a full install disc. I just upgraded to an Intel machine with
Lion, will not work.
Disc with serial number and case only, no documentation.

Adobe Illustrator 10 Software for Mac
This is an upgrade disc that comes with an Adobe Illustrator 7 disc as
well. I just upgraded to an Intel machine with Lion, will not work.
Discs with serial numbers and cases only, no documentation .$30.00

Apple/Mac iLife ’06 Retail install DVD
I just upgraded to an Intel machine with Lion, will not work.
Disk only with cd sleeve
$ 20.00

2x256mb PC2100 laptop ram
DDR 266 CL2.5
$ 10.00

Dynex 2-Port USB 2.0 Cardbus Adapter
Model: DX_UC202 – 2port USB2.0 laptop PCMCIA card
w/ install disc and booklet
$ 10.00

All prices include USPS shipping within the Continental US.

Robert Ferrara
Pawtucket, RI 02860

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