For sale is an Apple Ethernet Twisted Pair Transceiver Model No.
M0437.  If your Mac has an AAUI connection, then this is by far the
simplest ways to get networked.  No need to crack open the back of
your computer to install a network interface card, just use your
computers pre-installed Apple Ethernet Software by plugging one of
these Transceiver into the back of your computer or printer


CONNECTORS: Apple Ethernet 14-pin, RJ-45 receptacle 3 meter RJ-45
patch cable included

WIRING: Unshielded twisted-pair (telephone style)

MAX. CABLE LENGTH: 100 meters



NETWORK STATUS: LEDs indicate link integrity and data activity

SELF-CORRECTION: Automatic correction of receive wiring polarity

Compatible with any Macintosh with a AAUI Ethernet port

$ 25.00 postpaid CONUS.  PayPal accepted.

Barry Schiff
Cranston, RI 02920

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