Hi swappers,

I have a first generation Apple TV into which I installed a new
Western Digital 320GB hard drive this past May. It's currently running
ATV flash and is in great working and cosmetic condition (with the
exception of a few small holes in the rubber matting on the bottom for
the purpose of upgrading the hard drive, an alternative to peeling up
the entire thing). Would come with the original (white) remote and
original power cord. Looking to recoup close to what I've spent on my
(and Apple's, if I recall) hobby -- how's something in the
neighborhood of $175 plus shipping?

If the buyer prefers (if there is a buyer), I could restore it to
original factory settings, or leave it as is. I will be erasing all of
my content. There are a lot of upsides to the first generation,
depending on your enthusiasm for tinkering (I had it running with an
older Apple Cinema Display for a bit, for instance): component (cable
included) and HDMI ports; storage space; and tons of content options
with XBMC, Boxee, etc.


Matt Roland
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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