I have for sale a Powerlogix 1.2 GHz dual G4 upgrade for
sawtooth/gigabit ethernet towers. At least, that's what I think it is.
It's the most useful piece left over from yet another abandoned
project. It was running quite well when I gave it to a friend; he
eventually gave it back to me and that's when I remembered what was
annoying about it: some previous owner had shoehorned some weird power
supply into it that had LEDs and loud fans, so I set about to replace it
with an atx... and that's where I stopped. I've long since gotten rid
of the old PS, so now it sits, gathering dust and I'm just never going
to get around to re-wiring the thing. No sense in it going to waste,
though. All I have is the upgrade unit--processors, heatsink, and fan.
Any software available for it is likely available on the net, but I
don't have anything else. I know it will work in 100-MHz bus G4 towers;
it MIGHT work in the 133-MHz bus towers (I know there was one that could
be switched; I don't remember if this is that one... ); it definitely
WILL NOT work in Mirror Drive Door or Smurf or Yikes or the very first
generation of G4 Sawtooths (the uni-north rev 7 or some such limitation).
How about $50 shipped UPS, or best offer... Paypal only, please.
I'm in Aloha, OR 97006
eBay ID is schnellbahn... 100% rating.
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