So my personal use G5 xServe dual 2.3 GHz Head Node stopped booting
yesterday so the part out begins

Griffen iMic $15 plus shipping

I have 2 Sata Hard drive sleds. one with 10.4 unlimited key sticker
$45 plus shipping, the other doesnt have key sticker $40 plus shipping

G5 PPC xserve power supply $65 plus shipping

PNY 256 MB PCI dual VGA graphics card, GeForce 5200  (pc card flashed
for Mac)  $40 plus shipping

Belkin USB PCI card (used in xServe) $7 plus shipping

3 GB of ddr 3200 ram $15 per GB (512 mb sticks)

Slot loading DVD/ CDRW  combo drive  $15 plus shipping

xServe  Head node front Bezel  $20 plus shipping

Dual 2.3 processors and Logic Board best offer Ideally would like to
get $50 to $100 plus shipping
(powers on just stays on grey screen)

xServe case (no bezel, no sleds, just empty carcus) $10 plus shipping

Any other xserve parts not listed I may have (not rails) please
inquire if not listed.

I am in the market for Intel Mac mini, if you are local and need
anything / or have Mini can include cash to make equal trade.

Shawn Hoetger
New Albany, Ohio 43054

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