PowerBook Duo 2300c/100 for parts. Trackpad cable is torn, 1 pixel line down right 3rd of screen. Otherwise above average condition. 16MB RAM 1.1 GB IBM Hard disk. $50 shipped or best offer

Cubig 36MB Duo RAM card - $30 shipped  or best offer
Southland Micro System 12MB Duo RAM card - $10 shipped  or best offer

Docking Stations:
Newer Technologies UltraDock 16sce w/ driver diskette (HDI-20 floppy, ADB, 25 pin SCSI, audio, video and 10BT Ethernet ports) - $50 shipped or best offer Newer Technologies UltraDock 16sc w/ driver diskette (HDI-20 floppy, ADB, 25 pin SCSI, audio and video ports) - $35 shipped or best offer Newer Technologies MicroDock w/ driver diskette (10BT Ethernet and ADB ports) - $30 shipped or best offer RasterOps DuoMate 8 (sound, HDI-20 floppy, ADB and 8 bit video ports) - $15 shipped or best offer

Ray Knight
Kennesaw, GA 30144

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