My almost mint condition (just a couple of barely noticeable case scuffs) BTO 
MacPro 1.1 is looking for a new home. 

Used in a non-smoking, pet-free environment it is updated with the latest 
version of Snow Leopard 10.6.8., 8 GB ram, uprated Radeon x-1900 video card 
with 512 MB of vram, 500 GB 7200 rpm HD, airport and bluetooth. Keyboard and 
mouse is _not_ included.

It is in very nice shape and ready to work out of the box.

Here's a link to the full specs: 

Please note this was a build to order Mac, top of the line configuration for 
1.1 dual core versions of the MacPro that was offered between '06-'08.

Asking $950 and will split shipping with buyer. I can do Paypal but will work 
with you if you need to make other arrangements.

Feel free to email me for additional information.

Richard Feltner
ST Petersburg, FL 33704

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