I have a 20gb ipod 4th generation (model A1099) for sale.  Has been sitting in 
a drawer collecting dust so it's time to get rid of it.  I think it works 
correctly, but it looks like the battery can't hold a charge long enough to 
fully test it.  I was able to connect it to my computer to do a restore and 
sync music for testing, but then it wouldn't hold a charge long enough to play 
a track.  But the interface and all buttons/functions seem to work from the 
limited testing I've been able to do.  And I don't hear the dreaded clicking 
that would indicate a dead hard drive.  My hunch is that swapping in a good 
battery would be just what it needs.  It does have an inscription on the back, 
but that's easily buffed out or covered if that's important to you (I can tell 
you exactly what it says if you want before purchase).

I'd like $35 shipped for it anywhere in the lower 48.  It will ship via 
whatever USPS method is least expensive.  I accept paypal, Google Checkout, 
Amazon payments, check/M.O.  Item will ship upon receipt of cleared payment.


Clay Showalter
Harrisonburg, VA  22802
ebay id - tonomud (100% positive, 335 feedback)

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