I have a very nice 2003 14 inch iBook G3. It is in good condition,
screen is nice and bright, battery holds a decent charge, all 4 rubber
feet in tact, no big scratches or cracks anywhere. I got it as a
project, the hard drive was bad. It had a 40 GB in it, and was
replaced with a 30 GB. I know its small, but it gets the job done just
fine. Comes with charger, USB wifi dongle, original booklet, software
restore CDs for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 applications, and the install
discs for Mac OS 10.2.4. Currently running 10.4.11, but will ship

Specs are as follows-

Processor   900 MHz PowerPC G3
Memory      640 MB SDRAM
Machine model PowerBook 4,3
CPU           PowerPC 750 (2.3)
L2 Cache    512 KB
Serial Number UV32560MPBN

I will happily provide photos to anyone that requests them. I'm just
not using it much, and I really want it to go to a good home where
someone can get use out of it. Asking $150 shipped including insurance
and delivery confirmation, but I will entertain any and all offers. I
want it in a happy home.

Christina Rose
San Antonio, TX 78250

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