
Have you found one yet? I have one here that is pretty close to brand new. Bought it for my wife's MacBook but she decided it was easier to type with the MacBook sitting on her lap on the couch. So it's been used maybe 3 times. It's still in the original box with all the "stuff"

I'm asking $35 + 10 to ship by USPS Priority Mail from 99615 Kodiak Alaska. I take PayPal to this address, and if you want to check me out, I'm switgard on ebay.


On 2/28/12 7:13 AM, Al Hutchinson wrote:
Hello Swappers,

I'm looking for the short (and short lived) Apple wired aluminum
keyboard without the numeric keypad (model MB869LL/A).  It came with
iMacs in '09 I believe.

Let me know what you have (condition and such) and price with shipping
to Portland, OR 97223.  Payment via PayPal preferred, but will send a
if needed.  Thanks.

Al Hutchinson

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