Hello all,
I've been cleaning out the closets and have a few computer items for
sale. All items are in working condition. Prices are negotiable and do
not include shipping. Feel free to contact me if you are interested or
would like further information.

Nick Horne
Harrisville, RI 02830

Miscellaneous Parts
VST USB Floppy drive with software $5
XSense 5-port 10BT Ethernet Hub w/cable $5
AppleTalk ImageWriter II with manual, cables, ribbon, and AppleTalk
card $15
Apple Color OneScanner 1200/30 with Automatic Document Feeder and
manual $15
Radius GS/C-M NuBus card (drives Radius TPD/FPD) $5
Apple CD300i CD-ROM w/ manual $5
Apple StyleWriter II w/cables (no ink) $5

Old RAM/Media
64 MB PC100 DIMM $1
64 MB PC100 SODIMM (for Wallstreet, etc.) $1 ea. (2 available)
3M DC6525 (QIC-525) 525 MB Tape Cartridges (8 available) $1 ea.

Apple LocalTalk DIN-3 cable (10 meter $3, 25 meter $5)
Apple LocalTalk Locking DIN-8 Connector Boxes (2 available) $5 ea.
6 foot straight ADB cable (new in package) $1

Original Apple Manual
Apple ImageWriter I Manual $2

Also, for anybody local to Rhode Island, I have working Apple Two-Page
Monochrome and
16" Apple Color Displays for sale as well.

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