Still available?

On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2:16:59 PM UTC-4, Mike Lincoln wrote: 

>  Hello swappers, 
> I have an 80 GB Apple branded HDD removed from a 2008 MacBook Pro.  It was 
> replaced with a bigger drive shortly after I bought my MBP new, and has 
> been basically sitting in a box since then.  I have 7-pass wiped and 
> reformatted it using Disk Utility, and there were no bad sectors or flaws 
> reported.  I'm asking $12, including shipping to you in the USA.  
> Best regards,
> Mike Lincoln
> Salt Lake City, UT 84103

On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2:16:59 PM UTC-4, Mike Lincoln wrote: 
>  Hello swappers, 
> I have an 80 GB Apple branded HDD removed from a 2008 MacBook Pro.  It was 
> replaced with a bigger drive shortly after I bought my MBP new, and has 
> been basically sitting in a box since then.  I have 7-pass wiped and 
> reformatted it using Disk Utility, and there were no bad sectors or flaws 
> reported.  I'm asking $12, including shipping to you in the USA.  
> Best regards,
> Mike Lincoln
> Salt Lake City, UT 84103

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