Hey now swappers. Got a couple of extra PowerBooks here that still have lots of 
life left in them.

PB G4 15" 1.0GHz model A1046 w/ Backlit Keyboard
100 GB HD, 1.0 GB RAM, Combo Drive, AirPort Extreme WiFi, original OS X system
This PB is fully functional, clean and in good overall cosmetic condition. Has 
been upgraded with more RAM, larger hard drive and backlit keyboard. 
Aftermarket (generic) 65W power adapter included. Asking $145. Free USPS 
insured shipping with delivery confirmation within the US. Paypal preferred. 
Additional info and pics available here 

PB G4 15" 1.25GHz model A1046 w/ bad lower RAM slot
80 GB HD, 1.0 GB RAM (maxed out now because only one of the two RAM slots 
works), AirPort Extreme WiFi, SuperDrive, original OS X system
This PB is clean and has been tested to run well and is in good overall 
cosmetic condition. Aftermarket (generic) 65W power adapter included. Asking 
$145. Free USPS insured shipping with delivery confirmation within the US. 
Paypal preferred. Additional info and pics available here 

Contact me with any questions. Thanks!

Will Wallak

Camillus, NY 13031

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