I have for sale a custom Apple G4  Cube.        

Will run Leopard 10.5.8 very nicely and with partitioning can also boot OS 
9.2.2 HDD wiped as per list rules.

OWC PowerLogix clear case with relocated VRM

80 MM silent fan

Processor: Sonnet Encore/ST 1.2Ghz G4 with 2MB 3.8GB/sec L3 cache

1.5 GB RAM with heat spreaders

RADEON™ 7500  32MB DDR memory for advanced 3D graphics will support 23" Apple 
Cinema display

Super Drive Panasonic / Matsushita UJ-825S


Rare AirMac wireless card

Cube Pro USB Speakers

Articulated ADC/DVI adaptor

New PRAM battery

Power supply

$350.00. shipped CONUS PayPal

$300.00 without power supply

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda CA
92886 USA
MacPro 2.66 Quad Nehalem

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