I recently picked up a PowerMac G4 MDD tower at a garage sale (M8570
however, the power supply appears to be shot (Power button will light
when attempting to boot, but nothing spins up and the light goes right
back off. I want to use the ADC Studio Display with this, which
apparently has some pretty particular power requirements, so I think
my best solution is to just get a new power supply. I can't pay eBay
prices, so I thought I'd try the list first and see if anyone's got
one of these they'd want to trade for. I have the following selection
of items (and can send more info or pics on request) that I'd be happy
to send your way if you'd be kind enough to ship me a known-working
power supply:

- a wide assortment of iMac G3 keyboards and mice (mostly blueberry/
bondi, some other colors...)

- up to (2) working eMates, batteries do not hold a charge, but units
each work well. AC adapter not included, generic stylus.

- almost any parts you might need from iMac G3's or eMacs. Too many to
list... let me know what you need.

- Macintosh SE (M5900 - 1MB, dual 800K floppy drives) Works well,
comes with non-matching ADB kb/mouse and generic power cable.

- another PM G4, this one the 500 MHz (http://www.everymac.com/systems/
apple/powermac_g4/specs/powermac_g4_500.html) model. In decent
cosmetic condition, great functional condition. I've been running
Tiger on this (but will wipe before swap) and using it to hold an
iTunes library in the basement. Has AirPort card installed, stock RAM
has been bumped to 512MB. Includes generic power cord, graphite
keyboard, and puck mouse (original has a short in the wire).

- new AGFA SnapScan 1236S (opened and tested once). This was rescued
from being thrown out at a school that no longer needed it... works
and looks great, all original box, manuals, software, and cables

I don't really know what to ask for a power supply, so if my offerings
are wildly high or low, please let me know. I don't want to send all
of this off for one power supply, but if you'd like to piece together
a few things to make the deal acceptable, just let me know. I'd much
prefer local pickup if anyone's around Rochester (or Buffalo or
Dunkirk/Fredonia), but I can ship if need be.

Glen Waterman
Greece, NY 14626

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