Pictures available upon request.
Prices do not include shipping.

Apple G4 Cube Computer.  This is the standard machine.  G4-450mhz, 768
Meg RAM, 20 Gig HD, DVD ROM Drive, 16Meg ATI Video card, 2 USB, 2
Firewire 400 Ports, Ethernet.  Case has minor scuffs on it and on the
top back corners are chipped slightly.  Only mods I did was besides
bumping RAM from 64Meg to 768 Meg was to add a case fan.  The fan is
quiet and you have piece of mind from not having to worry about
melting the systems when pushing it.  Besides the Cube system included
is the power supply and power cord.  No keyboard or mouse.  A fresh
install of Mac OS 9 but no media.  More info at :

Fred Horvat
P.O. Box 493
Chesterland  OH  44026-0493

(ebay ID: 418 @ 100% since Sep-1999)

Classic Computer and Video Game items for Sale/Trade

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