Hello list. My name is Richard.
I am looking for an Apple cinema display power adapter for the 23" model. I dont have much money but am looking to trade any assortment of any of the power macs or mixture of items i have for sale. If anyone is interested in purchasing please do not hesitate to ask or make an offer. Again I am looking for a power adapter for an Apple Cinema display 23" model. Here is a list of what I have to offer.

1st gen iPod touch 8 gb cracked screen.

two complete iPhone 3gs 32 gig rear case (no motherboard or battery)

iPod Nano 4gb gray not sure which generation as is parts only. horribly abused outside but not cracked screen

iPhone 3g does not power on or come on when plugged but good for Parts???

iPhone 3gs 16gb cracked screen comes on but does not light up fully functional however apart from lighting up

Also have a Droid incredible 2 fully functional for Verizon

Power Mac G4 Quicksilver1.33 ghz upgraded with a processor. 1.5 gb of ram 32 mb vram 120 and 80 gb hdd no problems.

Powermac G4 sawtooth 450 mhz bone stock maybe 512 mb ram and a 16mb vram with an 80 gb hdd

Apple Studio Display 15" fully functional

iBook misc cables bottom cases and top case assortment box. I dont know exactly whats what in this and will ONLY sell/trade entire components box

Also if you are looking for something else I have not listed please do not hesitate to ask.

My name again is Richard Sevilla
I live in Riverside Ca 92508
Everything will be shipped to or from 92508

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