Hello all,

All items are offered for price as noted + ACTUAL shipping. I ask only that 
they go to a good home, where they will actually be used.

G4 Digital Audio tower Dual 533MHz
 - 1.5G RAM (maximum for this model)
 - 40G + 80G HDD (clean format, nothing installed, OS media included)
 - 4-port USB 2.0 card installed
 - CD burner drive
 - Apple pro mouse
 - Apple keyboard
 - Original USB extension cable
 - Original FireWire cable
 - power cable
 - recently replaced power supply
 - case in good condition, all plastics intact
 - OS 10.2 Jaguar (factory media in original packaging) included, not 
installed, so you can register yourself
$25 + actual shipping (will ship in original box)

Apple Pro Speakers for DA tower above $10

Harmon-Kardon iSub - $10

12" Powerbook 867MHz
 - 640MB RAM
 - 40G HDD (clean format, nothing installed, OS media included)
 - Combodrive (reads CDs/DVDs, burns CDs, does NOT burn DVDs)
 - video adapter (to s-video and RCA composite)
 - good battery (still holds over good charge)
 - charger (block, corner plug AND long cord)
 - case in good condition, few scratches, two corners have small dings, 
feet have been replaced with silicone pads 
 - neoprene slip case
 - Original factory OS disks
 - BONUS: OS 10.4 Tiger (factory media in original packaging) included, not 
installed, so you can register yourself)
$50 + actual shipping (will ship in original box)

extra charger for 12" powerbook (corner plug only, no long cord) - $10

extra battery for 12" powerbook, essentially unused - $10

Apple wireless keyboard - the big one with number pad - $10

If any prices seem totally out of wack to you, make an offer; chances are 
I'll accept. I prefer PayPal, but will also accept cash and personal check 
(will ship on receipt of cash/clearance of check). I use USPS flat rate 
boxes or padded envelopes as much as feasible, UPS for larger items, and 
Fedex if requested. If you are in the area, pickup is, unsurprisingly, free.


Jean-Jacques (J-J) de Roover (Wausau, Wisconsin 54401)
ebay ID: meterbridge

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