I think these are all resellable (first sale doctrine holds, I assume?) even if 
they were bundled?

Let me know if not.

I have turned up the following:

• Original OS X Public Beta (version 10.0, © 2001)              $10
• OS X 10.4 Tiger CPU drop-in DVD, with Xcode 2         $10
• iMac G5 installer disk set (2 disks) with OS 9.2                      $20
• OS X Leopard retails DVD (sans packaging),                    $20
     release 10.5.4             
• iLife 09 CPU drop-in DVD                                                      
$ 5
• iLife 11 CPU drop-in DVD                                                      
$ 5
• Two disk set of OS X Leopard, release 10.5.4,                         $10
                with Apple Hardware Test
• Time Capsule v1 (very first generation) installer DVD         $ 5
                looks like it comes with Airport software

If any of these are of any use to anyone, let me know. Make me an offer, keep 
them out of the landfill. 

paul beard
seattle wa 98115

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