Hi Swappers,
Below is are Powerbook G3 Pismo Parts I have Avail for Cheap:
(prices include CONUS Shipping)

Pismo Logic board Working Pull from 400mhz version: $25  (two avail)
Pismo AC Sound card: $15 
Pismo Complete Screen Assembly with Bezels Good Hinges (light scuffs on the 
rear bezel): $25  
Pismo Complete Screen Assembly with Bezels Bad Hinges (rear bezel 
scuffing): $25  
Pismo Keyboard $15  (two avail)
Pismo 400Mhz CPU: $17 (two avail)
Lombard/Pismo PRAM Battery: $7 
20 GB IBM IDE 2.5" harddrive $17 
30 GB Hitachi IDE 2.5" harddrive $23
Pismo DVD Drive Module $17
Pismo DVD Drive Module (slightly loose outer door) $12
256mb high profile ram module for the pismo $14
128mb high profile ram module for the pismo $8
Pismo HD ribbon connector $5 
Pismo HD bracket with screws and grommets $5
Pismo/lombard yo yo AC adapter 45W $18
Pismo Palmrest assembly with track pad $10 (very good condition)
Pismo rear port cover $5 
Pismo Charge/Inverter Board $8 (charges the battery/reads the DVD) (2 vail)
Non working Pismo Rechargeable Battery $10 (fills the bay..)

Let me know if you need anything else, I might have it!!

Gean Van Horn
Silver Spring, MD 20906

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