This is the third laptop in need of some bench work.

White MacBook

Core 2 Duo 2GHz
200GB HD
Combo drive
Stock Apple Charger

Cosmetically very good. Only flaw is some typical chipping at right palm rest.

There are two and a half notable issues:

The screen is dark. On startup there is a flash, then it goes dark. Works fine 
with an external display.
The trackpad clicker doesn't work. The keyboard and trackpad work, but the 
click is ignored.
I think there is simply something loose, but I don't care to go back in again.

The half problem is that the battery is dead. I believe it is just a dead 
battery, but it could be a charging thing too. The battery does blink green 
when the status button is pressed, so I believe it is simply dead. 

Also included is: 
an additional LCD (13.3" LCD SCREEN LP133WX1)
and an additional LCD Video Inverter Board (A1181 13.3"  820-1969-A 

I believe both these parts are functional.

Paypal fine, but not required.

$225 shipped in U.S. / N.A.

Jeff Wechter
Minneapolis, MN 55419

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