Please verify the type of memory that your Mac requires. Note that some models 
will take different types when they have a higher bus speed.
We'll verify it for you when you submit the Mac's model number (always starts 
with M or A).

For Desktops:

NEW 256MB  PC100  for G3 B&W or Beige           $4
256MB Micron/Kingston/Samsung PC100  for G4 or iMac             $6
256MB Micron/Kingston/Samsung PC133  for G4 or iMac             $8

New & Sealed 512MB Viking PC133  for G3/G4 or iMac              $18
New 512MB  DDR PC3200 for iMac G4/G5  &   PowerMac G4/G5                $9

512MB  DDR PC2-5300 for PowerMac G5     or Mac Pro      $2
1GB  DDR PC2-5300 for PowerMac G5       or Mac Pro      $12

For Laptops:

256MB SO-DIMM Kingston/Crucial PC133 for iBook G3 or Powerbook G3       $8
512MB SO-DIMM Crucial/Micron PC133 for  iBook/Powerbook G3 or iMac G4 under 
1GHz        $18

1GB SO-DIMM Memory PC3-8500 for MacBook Unibody or iMac 9,1 & higher            
2GB SO-DIMM Memory PC3-8500 for MacBook Unibody or iMac 9,1 & higher            

Shipping $2 for 1 unit
or $3 for any quantity

Mo Hammad
San Diego, CA 92117

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