FS…Multiple Mac software items.


   1. Alsoft Clarisworks v. 4.0 (System requirements: Macintosh computer 
   with at least 4mb of memory and a 68020 processor or higher. Does not 
   support Macintosh Plus, SE, Classic, PowerBook 100 or other 68000-based 
   Macintosh computers. Needs 3.5 floppy disk drive.)  $10 plus shipping in 
   CONUS from 43055 OHIO.

In original packaging.


   1. Alsoft DiskWarrior. $5 plus shipping in CONUS from 43055 OHIO. In 
   original packaging.


   1. Cassady & Green Conflict Catcher 8. (System requirements: Macintosh 
   computer with a CD-ROM drive running Mac OS 7.5-8.x. Does not support 
   Macintosh Plus, SE, Classic or PowerBook 100. $10 plus shipping in CONUS 
   from 43055 OHIO. In original packaging.


   1. Prairie Group Calendar Maker v. 4.5.2  (System requirements: 
   Macintosh Plus (Classic II or greater recommended), System 6.0.5 through 
   Mac OS 9. $10 plus shipping in CONUS from 43055 OHIO. In original packaging.


   1. Dantz Retrospect v. 4.0 System requirements: (Macintosh Plus or later 
   model, Hard drive with 4mb free space. Mac OS 7 or later.) $10 plus 
   shipping in CONUS from 43055 OHIO.


   1. Aladdin Systems Spring Cleaning v. 3.5. (System requirements: System 
   7.5.3 or higher. OS 9 compatible. PowerPC processor or higher. 8 MB 
   available RAM) $10 plus shipping in CONUS from 43055 OHIO.


   1. SoftKey Design Center 3-D. (System requirements: Apple Macintosh LC, 
   Mac II, PowerBook, Quadra, or Power Macintosh; 8MB of RAM, 4MB of disk 
   space; CD-ROM drive; System 6.0.5 or later (System 7.1 recommended). $10 
   plus shipping in CONUS from 43055 OHIO.


   1. Avid Cinema v. 1.2.2 for Power Macintosh G3. $10 plus shipping in 
   CONUS from 43055 OHIO.


   1. White Pine CU–SeeMe  v. 3.1.2 video chat software. (System 
   requirements: 68030, 040, Power Macintosh; 8MB RAM minimum; System 7.0 or 
   higher). $10 plus shipping in CONUS from 43055 OHIO.


I also have 2x Samsung 1GB 2Rx8 PC2-5300S-555-12-E3 Memory sticks. $10 plus 
shipping in CONUS from 43055 OHIO.



Roy Smith

Newark, Ohio 43055

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