Everything is shipping from Northampton, Massachusetts 01060

I'm moving in a couple weeks and this stuff has gotta go----

Pismo Parts:
•screen, physical condition good, functional condition unknown
(bought the whole machine on here a while back and it never booted)
•RAM 2 sticks of 128
•DVD ROM module
•VST Superdisk module
•2 batteries, condition unknown
•2 PRAM batteries, condition unknown

Lombard Parts:
•screen, physical conditional good, fully functional
•RAM 2 sticks of 128
•333 MHz processor card, functional

TiBook Parts:
•keyboard missing five keys (~ } | control option), but otherwise 
functional. the missing key buttons actually work, they just don't have 
•RAM 1 stick of 256

Other Items:
•Click-Wheel, non-color 20 GB iPod with DEAD BATTERY.  won't even boot up 
plugged in anymore, just gives that flashing dead battery symbol.
•2 sticks of 512 RAM for a 2007 Macbook, working pull.
•4GB 2.5 inch laptop drive, good.
•Yo-Yo adaptor good for lombard, ibook, etc, functional

I'll take $50/OBO for everything shipped.

Matthew wright
Northampton, MA 01060


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