
I have something I'd like to get off my chest: my much-beloved PowerBook Pismo. 
 Unfortunately, the fact that it is much beloved doesn't help to mitigate the 
fact that the thing weighs six pounds-plus. : /

So, I'm looking for a laptop stand.  The catch?  I need something with a form 
factor like this:

http://preview.tinyurl.com/8v2lu3e (Laptop Laidback)

or this:

http://preview.tinyurl.com/8eyg24w (generic laptop stand)

Perhaps you have some similar clogging up your closet right now?  Well, why not 
let it clog up mine once I finish this project?  A pic or two of what it is 
you're offering would be nice.

Standard terms, conditions, and disclaimers:

Please let me know your asking price and the cost of shipping (cheap and slow 
shipping is fine for this).  Shipping will be to zip 95132 (CA, SF Bay Area/San 
Jose).  Despite repeated pleadings, my mailman continues to handle my mail as 
though it's some sort of personal affront, so I need this well packed and 
shipped in a cardboard box, please.  FedEx Ground is fine, too, just so long as 
it's shipped in a cardboard box.

I can pay via PayPal or (im)personal check, seeing as how PayPal is anathema to 
some folks.  If you take Paypal, please be sure to tell me if you have the 
ability to accept both balance transfer and credit card-funded payments, or 
only the former.  If you prefer a check, I understand that the check will need 
to clear before the stand is shipped and am happy to allow more time for that.  
However, in the interests of getting my PowerBook off my chest sooner rather 
than later, it's only fair to mention that folks who accept PayPal will likely 
take precedence over those who don't.

Thank you for reading.


James Fraser

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