Wayne Getchel
Poway California 92064

Postal money orders only please.

F/S Macintosh Repair and Upgrade Secrets by Larry Pina 351 pages. This is a 
good manual for early Macs only up thru Mac SE and possibly SE-30. $25.00 
shipped via priority Mail
F/S VST USB Floppy Drive. This will read and write to 3.5 inch floppy disks 
HD (1.44 mb) will not work with 800 kb mac disks. $25.00 shipped via 
priority Mail
F/S One 80 GB Seagate Barracuda ATA drive currently formatted EXFAT but I 
can reformat if desired. $20.00 shipped via priority Mail.
F/S One 82 GB Hitachi Deskstar ATA drive 7200 rpm. Currently formatted 
Macintosh extended journalled. $20.00 shipped via priority Mail.
Also for you who have early Macintosh computers.ie: Mac Plus Mac SE Mac 
SE30 Mac LC series running OS's from 6.0 thru system 9. I have approx 100 
programs on 1.44mb floppy disks these programs will run on the above listed 
computers and op systems and may run on Power PC systems running no greater 
than System 9. Programs like Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word and Excel, 
Aldus Pagemaker etc, etc. Email me and I will email you the complete list 
of programs. Also have a couple of hundred 1.44 mb and 800 kb floppy disks 
that may have downloaded programs (shareware) and (freeware) which I cannot 
catalog. For the non cataloged floppies I'll ship them via priority mail 
for $8.00/24 disks. You choose 800 kb or 1.44 mb.size Thanks for looking

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