Greetings all,
An attempt to repair what was once an excellently running G5 did not 
achieve the results hoped for, so I will be parting out this unit.
The issue began as what was suspected to be a failed video card (this did 
not prove to be the case), with the final suspect being the logic board 
(failed ROM chip?).
An acquired working logic board, as near to OEM as possible, was I suspect 
not near enough (I'm guessing there's no such thing as mix and match in the 
G5 world).
Not interested in continuing with this unit so up it goes on the selling 
block for good parts.

The unit is/was a June 2004 dual 1.8 GHz unit. The CPUs and heat sink, are, 
i believe, to be fine, as is the power supply, super drive (pioneer 116 
iirc), 3 Gb RAM, stock NVidia 5200 video card, etc. Case is excellent, as 
is all internal components, with a few scuffs, but no dents or bent handles.

Before I part it out, I would like to try a wholesale carcass disbursement 
first, in hopes of making short work of this project to reduce my time 

I will send this to anyone in the con U.S. (maybe Canada too-talk me into 
it!) for $45 plus actual shipping cost. I'll remove the defective 
motherboard (or leave it in if you wish) for you. You'll get the CPUs (as 
is condition, which should be ok) and heat sink, power supply, the whole 
case, the optical drive, the 3 GIG RAM, video card, the OEM 80 GB SATA HD, 
shipped in the OEM box.

Shipping will be from Upland, IN 46989-1001. If I don't get any takers in 
the near future, I will proceed with parting out and sell the components 
for CHEAP priced-to-go costs!

Thank you for reading.
Best regards,
Dana Collins

Thank you, for considering

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