I have 2 units of AppleCare for iMac for sale. These was part of a larger batch 
that were successfully registered.  These two, however, were flagged by apple 
for some reason, and when they were used to register 2 iMacs, Apple requested 
proof of purchase, which I didn't have since these were purchased secondhand. 

So, while I am confident that these are actually genuine registration numbers, 
something in their system flagged them (randomly??) for further verification, 
at least during the initial registration attempt. Perhaps with a valid receipt 
you'd have no trouble registering them, I don't know.  But I wanted to let you 
know all of this up front, so you know the potential risks.

I'd like $15 shipped for each unit, or $27 shipped for both.

I accept paypal, Google Checkout, Amazon payments, check/M.O.  Items will ship 
upon receipt of cleared payment.


Clay Showalter
Harrisonburg, VA  22802
ebay id - tonomud

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