I have several of these, with a minimum spec as provided below, with quantity 
discounts as also shown

Specs for G3 iBook:
- 600 MHz G3 processor
- 12" screen
- 384 MB RAM
- 20 GB HD
- Apple Airport WiFi vard
- Battery takes and holds a charge (length of life on battery power not tested 
or guaranteed).

The screen are good, all basic functions involved in wiping the hard drives and 
prepping for the install of an OS have been tested.  One or both screen bumpers 
may have foam or felt pad replacements,  Some of the bottom feet may have the 
same.  The airport card has been tested to function.

The iBook(s)you receive may exceed one or more of the above specs.

Need an AC adapter?  A new aftermarket AC adapter will be included for an extra 
$12 (includes additional cost of shipping).

I will try to accommodate special requests - please ask.

Quantity discounts!!
- Get 2, as described, for $85 shipped
- Get 3 for $120 shipped
- Each additional is just $30 shipped (remember when you would pay way more 
than that for the Airport card?).  

With each order of three or more, I will include a parts/repair machine, with 
no airport card installed and 128 MB of RAM.  Get 5 or more and I will include 
2 of these parts/repair machines.  Most of these additional units power on and 
function, with issues such as bad hard drives, bad optical drives, funky 
keyboards/trackpads or more than minor cosmetic issues.  

Shipping on 1 or 2 iBooks is Priority Mail to all 50 states.  On orders of 
three or more, shipping will be UPS Ground.  I will accept returns if the iBook 
you received is not as I have described it here.

If you have any qiestions or special requests (I also have 800 MHz iBooks), 
please let me know.  Make an offer if you want 10 or more of these.

Don Salata
Canton MI 48187

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