I have 2 PowerBook 180's for sale:
     1.  PB180, 33 mhz, 12 Meg memory(4 + 8), 80 meg HD, Boots up, power supply, almost dead battery, external charger( uses computer supply),port cover is intact, but one hinge hole is chipped, screen is bright and clear, case other than the hinge hole chip is excellent.  Also included is a Video cable and SCSI docking adapter HDI 30 to DB25. I have six extra batteries(nearly dead) in carrying cases that I will include at no extra charge, but keep in mind that each one adds an extra pound to the shipping, but they are candidates for rebuilding if you have that skill also included is OS 7.??? on floppy disks.  $50.00 Plus shipping from 20748.  Extra Power Supply for external Charger is $10.00 (adds a pound to shipping)
     2. PB180, 33 mhz, 4 Meg memory(on board only), No HD, Boots up, power supply, almost dead battery, external charger( uses computer supply),port cover is intact, but one hinge hole is chipped, screen is bright and clear, case other than the hinge hole chip is excellent. Extra battery in case. $35.00 plus shipping from 20748.
Thanks for Looking, preferred payment is money order.
Roger Volk
6013 Hope Dr.
Camp Springs, MD 20748

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